Oct 31, 2010

GMail Delete Keyboard ShortCut - Works in IE, Firefox, Opera

Keyboard junkie myself, i was looking for Gmail keyboard shortcut for deleting email. For some, doesn't show up in official Gmail list. There is an undocumented shortcut though - #(Shift+3 on win) does the job.

Thanks Amit for the tip.

Oct 26, 2010

Oct 25, 2010

Captchas + Ads = Brilliant Idea!!

Just stepped on a Techcrunch post about a startup called NuCaptcha that wants to combine captchas with Ads. What a brilliant thought!! This could certainly be the next untapped ads money spinner. This approach also ensures that users are INDEED reading what's in the ad(i mean captcha). Read the Techcrunch post for more info.

Oct 24, 2010

Silverlight TextBox Databinding not triggering

In Silverlight, the data binding of textbox gets triggered only when the controls loses focus. Trying to handle this using TextChanged doesn't help either.

If you do design/dev with Silverlight, the chances are you have seen this issue at least once.

The simplest solution i have seen is to use behaviors. Check the link below for the solution.

Binding update on TextBox.TextChanged event using Behaviors | Zoltan's .NET Blog

Oct 15, 2010

Silverlight Plugin Height Resize Issue..

If your silverlight plugin doesn't resize on increasing browser height, you are not alone. Here is a simple fix.
Silverlight Plugin Vertical Resize Issue..