Jun 13, 2008

Social computing - the next avatar of web

Facebook logo

Image via Wikipedia

Social networking is the buzzword on internet. Facebook, MySpace, OpenSocial and the likes attracting traffic the equivalent of google. Facebook and MySpace valuations in billions of dollars is the living example. These sites are dedicated social networking space for people to interact and socialize. But, the other avatar of social computing is the soclialization of existing websites. Allowing visitors to interact, modify or add new content to the site by means of blogs, discussion forums, photo gallery etc. Put together, Social Networking/Computing/Media as you would like to call is transforming the web.

I have explored the Social networking in its current state and the various opportunities thrown open by 1this phenomenon.

What is a Social networking site?

  • Social networking sites just provide the infrastructure, tools (UI) and set of rules to operate on the SN platform (site). The vital component, Content is user generated, unlike the conventional web sites.

  • In simple terms, its a power shift from publishers to consumers, who are now prosumers.

  • The owners of the Content become the marketers for self and the site.

  • Every user effectively becomes a marketing person for the site. Every user’s primary target audience would be their friends or personal network. Secondary target could be people with similar interests on/off the site.

  • More effective target advertising is possible, as most users tend to give accurate personal details being in a network/vicinity of friends/trusted associates
  • Eventually, the SN sites have the potential to become one-stop place for all online activities such as connecting with people, online shopping, bill payment etc.


  • A huge repository of users to target ads, products and services
  • A platform to serve quotidian user needs on the web [integrated Online shopping, Auctions, Bill payment etc]

  • The value from user-generated content can be monetized, such as user survey, opinion polls etc. E.g.: AOL email service for biz users is a subscription/paid service.

  • Open up the platform allowing users to create applications


  • How to review and approve user content?
  • How to store and manage the content that users upload?
  • How can companies capture the value from user-generated content?
  • Effectively dissipating the information within and across the networks to reach the target audience on the site.
  • Integration of other popular services on web [E.g.: Youtube, Flickr, Blogger, Dating, Matrimony]
  • Making available on mobile devices.
  • Dependence of ­Content searchability on the semantic nature of user content storage.
  • Providing features across the platforms. (IE/FF, Win/*nix)?
  • Ability to scale-up rapidly, as the site can become popular overnight/week with proportional traffic. [Companies like Akamai Tech help in this.]
  • People are always on lookout for something new/exciting. Difficult task to keep the users interested in the site.
  • How to design the site with ability to open up as a platform in the future allowing external users to develop applications?
  • Content searchability is the key here. Also, the site promoting/publishing/disseminating the popular interests among other users on the site.

Unexplored opportunities:

  • Enterprise solutions/products
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