Jul 11, 2009

System.Web.Silverlight not found in Silverlight 3 release

With Silverlight 3 RTW in the wild, i tried running my existing Silverlight 3 beta code with the RTW with anticipations of broken code. I wasn't wrong. Got the first one.

The type or namespace name 'SilverlightControls' does not exist in the
namespace 'System.Web.UI' (are you missing an assembly reference?)

After a bit of searching on my system, i realised it was still referring to my Silverlight 2 libraries path. But, having uninstalled that, unresolved namespace.

After searching on the web and silverlight.net site, found out that, the "System.Web.Silverlight.dll" has been moved out of the Silverlight SDK and made available separately as ASP.NET Server Controls here. So, the fix is to get the dll from here and add it to your project as a library. There could be other ways such as installing to GAC etc, which wasn't really needed in my case.

Hope this helps.
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