Mar 5, 2009

Safari 4 browser - Awesome treat from Apple

I have been following Safari browser with utmost curiosity since its first release on Windows. Simplicity was good in the first release. The best performance rendering was another great thing(fastest browser in the market today!). But, certainly didn't have the touch of a Mac or iPhone kind of jazzy UI.With the release of Safari 4 beta, Apple has just blown away the competition showcasing what its best at. The GUI. The Safari 4 is already topping the charts on rendering performance, Acid Test 3 100% compliance and awesome UI.The browser brings in some of the jazzy features available in its existing line of products. Let the pictures speak the million words, that i can't express with :)

History Preview - Top Sites: Grabs your attention the moment you open it. Eventhough similar to Opera/Chrome preview, this has the Apple touch to make it 3d and jazzy.

Editing your history - Apple way!

Flip through history pages like albums - iTunes and iPhone thingy.

Tabbed browsing - a tinge of Google Chrome

Split out tabs into windows and stitch them back.This is a cool feature similar to Google Chrome. Inorder to drag a tab into a new window, click on the small bunch of stripes at the top right corner of a tab and drag it. The tab now becomes a separate Safari window/browser whichever way you like.To put them back together, just drag the tab into another tab. The tabs stitch together into a single browser.Surprising, there is a company that Apple likes to follow, atleast in some aspects. Voila Google!Bad news - Safari gobbled 225mb of memory and never gave it up till i had to kill the "beauty outside, beast inside" browser ;)

On the whole, Safari is very Apple with a taste of Chrome.

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